
This is a Parent Teacher Community Organization (PTCO) Blog, not the official website for Laie Elementary School. Here you can find lots of great information on what is happening at and in our community. Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, January 3, 2011

PTCO Bulletin 1-3-10


Mon., Jan. 3 – Teacher Work Day NO STUDENTS

Tues., Jan 4 –  End of Winter Break. Students return to class!


BOX TOPS at Laie Elementary 
Congratulations to Mrs. Kitagawa's class for collecting the most box tops so far this year! 
But don't stop collecting! We are still working toward our goal of $875.  After the christmas break there will be more contests.  So keep collecting and bringing them into your classroom collection containers.  Don't forget to register with our school at btfe.com to get coupons and more.

Fall Play DVD's Still Available
This would make a fun Christmas present for family or friends.  If you want a Voyage of the Dawn Treader DVD, contact Laura Blum at 293-1893.

Students on the BLOG  
We are opening up the blog to let kids have a public place to publish their writing and artwork!  Your child will probably be asked by teachers to submit writing.  Please return the parent permission forms that went home.  Ultimately, parents can decide if they want their children to submit works or not.  If your kids want to write and submit their own stories or poems (maybe a fun activity during the break!), they can email submissions to laiebulletin@gmail.com with the subject "BLOG."  Please include the child's name, grade, and teacher, and parent name.

Geckos are ON-THE-MOVE
Thanks to Megan Hughes, Josh Nead, and the BYUH Med-club for initiating our lunch-time Geckos-on-the-Move track program.  The kids are having a blast running around the field.  There are no winners or losers, but there are prizes for everyone.  Did you know some of your kids run over a mile each time we set up the track? They are learning that ANYONE can run, walk, and groove their way around the track and be healthy with their friends.  If there are any other parents who would like to come once a week during lunch (about 11:15am - 12:30pm) and help pass out cards and count laps, email Emily Bradshaw atbradshaw.e@gmail.com.

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