Laie Elementary School students are taking pledges for our Second Annunal Walk-A-Thon, fund-raising for a mobile computer classroom, since our school doesn't have a computer lab. You may donate by clicking the button below. If you are supporting a specific child, write his or her name under "purpose" once you get to Paypal. Include the grade level and teacher, if you know that information.
Purpose: John Doe grade 4 Betham (put whatever info you know)
Every child who raises $30.00 gets a student-designed Walk-A-Thon t-shirt. Top individual and class fundraisers win prizes. If we reach our goal of $18,000, Principal Ho will get his head shaved into a mohawk in front of the school. Business sponsors welcome! Questions? Call 808-358-8373.
To make a donation through PayPal click HERE